Today, I find myself diving from the usual discourse on international trade and the dynamic forces shaping emerging economies in Africa. Instead, I’m drawn to the topic of leadership – an area that has recently captured my attention in an unexpected setting, thanks to Prof. Bismark Agbemble.
I met Bismark a few days ago and got chatting, our main topic of discussion was the role of leadership in our society, little did I know he was scheduled to do a leadership training at the American Center in Kampala. I was invited.
Attending a leadership class was the last thing on my mind, having been a leadership coach and trainer myself. Surrounded by a majority of individuals under 35, those above this age bracket – like myself – were in the minority, comprising perhaps less than 10%. The presenter’s discussion on the evolving nature of work in the current era was eye-opening. He highlighted how today’s youth sometimes navigate over 5 different roles in a single workday, a stark contrast to the stigma associated with job-hopping in my generation.
Reflecting on leadership, I found myself pondering over the challenges of being a visionary with a purpose that resonates with others. As leaders, we continuously strive to articulate our vision compellingly, instilling it with value to effectively communicate with those we seek to collaborate with. Concurrently, we must cultivate trust, demonstrate empathy, exert influence, and inspire others while fostering their empowerment and development.
The ultimate test of leadership probably lies in our abilities to build a legacy, do effective succession planning, sustainability and ethical leadership, entailing tough decision making and exhibiting resilience, especially in adverse circumstances.
However, implementing these ideals is easier said than done. We all have probably learned these ideals elsewhere but we seldom practice them, we compromise when the going gets tough, we take short cuts as the long route is daunting, anyway as the saying goes a leader will always be a student, my lessons today were many but a few stood out;
Embracing Solitude: Leadership is often a solitary journey. It requires swift unlearning of outdated methods and adaptation to new paradigms. Amidst the flood of information, effective communication becomes paramount. In the digital era it is not uncommon to find yourself in over 20 Whats-app Groups, with over 3 email addresses, not forgetting other media communication alone becomes a job. Delegating efficiently while leading by example is essential, one has to show that they know about what they are delegating.
Continuous Improvement: Leaders must dedicate themselves to skill development, continued studies of various subjects and topics, again ignoring a hot subject like AI can be detrimental to future growth of your organization. Establishing credibility through consistent growth is indispensable. The ever-evolving landscape demands agility and a commitment to staying relevant.
Adept Navigation: Leadership isn’t just about standing at the helm; it’s about steering the ship through uncharted waters. Navigating ambiguity, uncertainty, and complexity requires both courage and finesse. So, if you want to think of yourself as a leader, these are my contributions to your thoughts.
In this dynamic era, leadership transcends age and conventional norms. As we chart our course, let us embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead